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SpiderGears's profile - karma

SpiderGears's karma change log

10 0 imshow() and waitKey() ( 2016-08-22 18:49:56 -0600 )

10 0 Stereo vision and object detection. ( 2015-03-17 15:44:43 -0600 )

10 0 Stereo vision and object detection. ( 2014-11-17 09:37:25 -0600 )

10 0 Need Tutorials/ Reources for Multi-label SVM classification ( 2014-03-08 04:01:26 -0600 )

10 0 Need Tutorials/ Reources for Multi-label SVM classification ( 2014-03-08 03:44:44 -0600 )

10 0 imshow() and waitKey() ( 2014-02-06 01:08:52 -0600 )

10 0 Use OpenCV to detect text blocks send to Tesseract iOS ( 2014-01-30 03:08:31 -0600 )

10 0 Use OpenCV to detect text blocks send to Tesseract iOS ( 2014-01-29 22:51:45 -0600 )

15 0 Use OpenCV to detect text blocks send to Tesseract iOS ( 2014-01-29 21:48:30 -0600 )

0 -15 Use OpenCV to detect text blocks send to Tesseract iOS ( 2014-01-29 21:48:29 -0600 )

15 0 Use OpenCV to detect text blocks send to Tesseract iOS ( 2014-01-29 21:48:28 -0600 )

10 0 Use OpenCV to detect text blocks send to Tesseract iOS ( 2014-01-29 21:47:06 -0600 )

15 0 Explain a simple code ( 2014-01-27 19:31:39 -0600 )

0 -15 Explain a simple code ( 2014-01-27 19:31:37 -0600 )

15 0 Explain a simple code ( 2014-01-27 19:31:36 -0600 )

10 0 Explain a simple code ( 2014-01-27 14:33:03 -0600 )

10 0 Explain a simple code ( 2014-01-27 13:08:00 -0600 )

10 0 Multiple cameras ( 2014-01-20 09:13:07 -0600 )