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Dinh Thap's profile - karma

Dinh Thap's karma change log

0 -10 How can I remove video background from karaoke video? ( 2017-03-03 01:03:21 -0600 )

2 0 OpenCV 3.1.0 Insufficient Memory ( 2016-06-22 01:34:45 -0600 )

0 -10 OpenCV 3.1.0 Insufficient Memory ( 2016-06-21 06:05:47 -0600 )

0 -10 How can I determine color of contour? ( 2016-06-20 03:22:25 -0600 )

0 -10 How can I determine color of contour? ( 2016-06-20 00:52:57 -0600 )

0 -10 Segmentation ( 2016-06-13 06:25:38 -0600 )

0 -10 Auto size, sigma parameter in adaptive thresholding? ( 2016-06-13 06:25:18 -0600 )

0 -10 How can I skewed character in license plate exactly? ( 2016-06-13 06:25:12 -0600 )

0 -10 How can I translate Matlab code to opencv to align image? ( 2016-06-13 06:24:49 -0600 )

0 -10 How can I translate Matlab code to opencv to align image? ( 2016-06-13 02:16:58 -0600 )

5 0 Cannot rotate warpAffine character in license plate? ( 2016-06-08 11:13:51 -0600 )

0 -10 Segmentation ( 2016-04-28 00:25:46 -0600 )