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2019-01-28 11:17:29 -0600 asked a question How to calibrate a camera with a movable camera?

How to calibrate a camera with a movable camera? Hi, I have a wide-angled camera and a home security camera which can be

2015-06-04 07:36:16 -0600 asked a question Meaning of "Other materials" in OpenCV license

Hello, I have a question regarding the OpenCV license.

The second condition of the opencv license says: "Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution."

What are "other materials provided with the distribution" ? I get a bunch of materials when I install OpenCV ...

Assuming I want to distribute commercial software. I have statically linked the OpenCV libs to my DLL. Do I need to distribute something else, excepting the OpenCV license? e.g. do I have to distribute the OpenCV dlls? (Even though I am not using them)