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Karthikeyan's profile - karma

Karthikeyan's karma change log

10 0 Partition() - Finding the number of Clusters ( 2020-01-20 19:13:55 -0600 )

10 0 Template matching behavior - Color ( 2018-06-22 08:28:22 -0600 )

0 -10 Template matching behavior - Color ( 2018-06-22 08:28:18 -0600 )

10 0 Template matching behavior - Color ( 2018-06-22 07:14:13 -0600 )

10 0 Are there C++ version of Python examples in Opencv? ( 2018-01-02 05:14:15 -0600 )

10 0 Are there C++ version of Python examples in Opencv? ( 2018-01-02 03:04:03 -0600 )

10 0 Partition() - Finding the number of Clusters ( 2016-02-19 23:27:09 -0600 )

10 0 Compare two images and highlight the difference ( 2015-09-01 15:55:08 -0600 )

5 0 Partition() - Finding the number of Clusters ( 2015-08-18 03:55:52 -0600 )

15 0 play video within video ( 2015-07-19 08:10:48 -0600 )

10 0 play video within video ( 2015-07-19 08:10:45 -0600 )

10 0 play video within video ( 2015-07-15 22:40:27 -0600 )

10 0 play video within video ( 2015-07-15 10:06:40 -0600 )

10 0 Increase the number of rows for a Mat without touching original data ( 2015-06-25 10:11:44 -0600 )

10 0 Increase the number of rows for a Mat without touching original data ( 2015-06-25 04:39:24 -0600 )

10 0 Increase the number of rows for a Mat without touching original data ( 2015-06-24 20:12:20 -0600 )

10 0 c++ equivalent of cvScale function ( 2015-06-22 02:38:26 -0600 )

10 0 c++ equivalent of cvScale function ( 2015-06-22 00:54:53 -0600 )