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2017-09-10 16:38:37 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-11-22 23:22:04 -0600 asked a question calculate edge strength of image

i am new to image processing and i need to calculate the strength of edge of a image.assume a situation you have same original image and you added blur effect to that image.the strength of edge of these two images are different.i need to calculate that edge strength for both images far i have get the canny edge detection of image using below code.

Mat src1;

src1 = imread("D.PNG", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

namedWindow("Original image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

imshow("Original image", src1);

Mat gray, edge, draw;

cvtColor(src1, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);

Canny(gray, edge, 50, 150, 3);

edge.convertTo(draw, CV_8U);

namedWindow("image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

imshow("image", draw);


return 0;

is there any method to calculate of the strength of this edge image..?

2014-11-20 12:21:14 -0600 asked a question calculate edge strength of image

i am new to image processing and i need to calculate the strength of edge of a image.assume a situation you have same original image and you added blur effect to that image.the strength of edge of these two images are different.i need to calculate that edge strength for both images far i have get the canny edge detection of image using below code

Mat src1;

src1 = imread("D.PNG", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

namedWindow("Original image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

imshow("Original image", src1);

Mat gray, edge, draw;

cvtColor(src1, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);

Canny(gray, edge, 50, 150, 3);

edge.convertTo(draw, CV_8U);

namedWindow("image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

imshow("image", draw);


return 0;

is there any method to calculate of the strength of this edge image..?

2014-11-20 01:31:58 -0600 asked a question How to extract data from edge detection of a video

Hi i am new to image processing.I want to predict a video status.assume if someone blur a video i need to find out that .to do this i get a original video and add the blur effect and compare original one and blur one.Using edge detection i want to compare these two videos.So i want to use canny edge detection.Is there any guide to help to do this project.I want to extract some information in edge video.i thought using canny edge detection identify edge and extract information from it.