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What is the difference between traincascade and other feature detector?


We have a project that needs to detect animals on pictures. We started with rats and we are using trainscascade for this. Since we are not experiencing any luck with this method, I started looking in openCV documentation and found other method like template, SURF, etc...

Are these method also good for detecting complex things like animals (for example, rats?). Do you have any experience with them and could tell me the good and bad of each? Also, let me know if I'm wrong but the traincascade use the XML that we train ourselve (via the apps given by opencv) but how to we train the other type of feature detector?

Sorry if this question is numb, I just want to learn :)

What is the difference between traincascade and other feature detector?


We have a project that needs to detect animals on pictures. We started with rats and we are using trainscascade for this. Since we are not experiencing any luck with this method, I started looking in openCV documentation and found other method like template, SURF, etc...

Are these method also good for detecting complex things like animals (for example, rats?). Do you have any experience with them and could tell me the good and bad of each? Also, let me know if I'm wrong but the traincascade use the XML that we train ourselve (via the apps given by opencv) but how to we train the other type of feature detector?

Sorry if this question is numb, dumb, I just want to learn :)

What is the difference between traincascade and other feature detector?


We have a project that needs to detect animals on pictures. We started with rats and we are using trainscascade for this. Since we are not experiencing any luck with this method, I started looking in openCV documentation and found other method like template, SURF, etc...

Are these method also good for detecting complex things like animals (for example, rats?). Do you have any experience with them and could tell me the good and bad of each? Also, let me know if I'm wrong but the traincascade use the XML that we train ourselve (via the apps given by opencv) but how to we train the other type of feature detector?

Sorry if this question is dumb, I just want to learn :)