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Integral Channel Features or ICFDetector

Hi,i got problems when i'm training ICFDetector too. I debuged to find that it will say :

" Opencv error:Assertion failed ((unsigned)i < (unsigned)cn) in cv::Vec<float,6>::operator []"

when running to

" void computeChannels(InputArray image, vector<mat>& channels)"

 Mat_<Vec6f> hist = Mat_<Vec6f>::zeros(grad.rows, grad.cols);
//const float to_deg = 180 / 3.1415926f;
for (int row = 0; row < grad.rows; ++row) {
    for (int col = 0; col < grad.cols; ++col) {
        //float angle = atan2(row_der(row, col), col_der(row, col)) * to_deg;
        float angle = angles(row, col);
        if (angle < 0)
            angle += 180;
        int ind = (int)(angle / 30);

        // If angle == 180, prevent index overflow
        if (ind == 6)
            ind = 5;

        hist(row, col)[ind] = grad(row, col) * 255;

i have set the params ,dont know why it happened; and here is my code

ICFDetectorParams params;
params.feature_count = 2000;  // parser.get<int>("feature_count");42000
params.weak_count    = 100;    // parser.get<int>("weak_count"); 200
params.bg_per_image  = 5;     // parser.get<int>("bg_per_image");
params.model_n_rows  = 128;
params.model_n_cols  = 64;
params.features_type = "icf";
params.alpha         = 0.15f; // default: 0.02


Can u tell me any problems?

Integral Channel Features or ICFDetector

Hi,i got problems when i'm training ICFDetector too. I debuged to find that it will say :

" Opencv error:Assertion failed ((unsigned)i < (unsigned)cn) in cv::Vec<float,6>::operator []" []

when running to

" void computeChannels(InputArray image, vector<mat>& channels)"vector<Mat>& channels)

 Mat_<Vec6f> hist = Mat_<Vec6f>::zeros(grad.rows, grad.cols);
//const float to_deg = 180 / 3.1415926f;
for (int row = 0; row < grad.rows; ++row) {
    for (int col = 0; col < grad.cols; ++col) {
        //float angle = atan2(row_der(row, col), col_der(row, col)) * to_deg;
        float angle = angles(row, col);
        if (angle < 0)
            angle += 180;
        int ind = (int)(angle / 30);

        // If angle == 180, prevent index overflow
        if (ind == 6)
            ind = 5;

        hist(row, col)[ind] = grad(row, col) * 255;

i have set the params ,dont know why it happened; and here is my code

ICFDetectorParams params;
params.feature_count = 2000;  // parser.get<int>("feature_count");42000
params.weak_count    = 100;    // parser.get<int>("weak_count"); 200
params.bg_per_image  = 5;     // parser.get<int>("bg_per_image");
params.model_n_rows  = 128;
params.model_n_cols  = 64;
params.features_type = "icf";
params.alpha         = 0.15f; // default: 0.02


Can u tell me any problems?