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Order of image manipulation

I am trying to write a program that will give an outline of an set object image like so:

cvtColor( frameToUse, frameToUse, CV_BGR2GRAY );          //1
equalizeHist( frameToUse, frameToUse );                   //2
blur(frameToUse, frameToUse, Size(9,9), Point(-1,1), 4);  //3
Canny( frameToUse, frameToUse, 40, 3*35, 3 );             //4

I am wondering, what is the correct order to put these functions in to produce the results most efficiently. (ill closely watch comments if clarification is needed)

Order of image manipulation

I am trying to write a program that will give an outline of an set object in an image like so:

cvtColor( frameToUse, frameToUse, CV_BGR2GRAY );          //1
equalizeHist( frameToUse, frameToUse );                   //2
blur(frameToUse, frameToUse, Size(9,9), Point(-1,1), 4);  //3
Canny( frameToUse, frameToUse, 40, 3*35, 3 );             //4

I am wondering, what is the correct order to put these functions in to produce the results most efficiently. (ill closely watch comments if clarification is needed)

click to hide/show revision 3

updated 2014-06-14 03:49:46 -0600

berak gravatar image

Order of image manipulation

I am trying to write a program that will give an outline of an set object in an image like so:

cvtColor( frameToUse, frameToUse, CV_BGR2GRAY );          //1
equalizeHist( frameToUse, frameToUse );                   //2
blur(frameToUse, frameToUse, Size(9,9), Point(-1,1), 4);  //3
Canny( frameToUse, frameToUse, 40, 3*35, 3 );             //4

I am wondering, what is the correct order to put these functions in to produce the results most efficiently. (ill closely watch comments if clarification is needed)