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Downscaling an image for grabCut

I've an input image (around 24 MP). Feeding such a large image to grabCut in OpenCV is time consuming, so first I want to downscale the image then I want to upscale the mask. So, in grabCut function I'm downscaling the image as follows:

    double c_ratio = 0.0;
    double r_ratio = 0.0;
    double ratio = 0.0;
    bool donwSampled = false;
    if (img.cols > 800 || img.rows > 600){
        c_ratio = img.cols/800.0;
        r_ratio = img.rows/600.0;
        ratio = (c_ratio > r_ratio)?r_ratio:c_ratio;
        printf("downscaled by: %f\n", ratio);
        resize( img, img, Size( img.cols/ratio, img.rows/ratio ),0,0,INTER_LANCZOS4);
        resize( mask, mask, Size( mask.cols/ratio, mask.rows/ratio ),0,0,INTER_LANCZOS4);
        donwSampled = true;

And the end of this function I'm upscaling as follows:

    resize( img, img, Size( img.cols*ratio, img.rows*ratio ));
    resize( mask, mask, Size( mask.cols*ratio, mask.rows*ratio ));

The input mask is as follows:


The output is this:


As one can see in the output image the little area around the brush are marked wrong both in foreground and background selection.

Downscaling an image for grabCut

I've an input image (around 24 MP). Feeding such a large image to grabCut in OpenCV is time consuming, so first I want to downscale the image then I want to upscale the mask. So, in grabCut function I'm downscaling the image as follows:

    double c_ratio = 0.0;
    double r_ratio = 0.0;
    double ratio = 0.0;
    bool donwSampled = false;
    if (img.cols > 800 || img.rows > 600){
        c_ratio = img.cols/800.0;
        r_ratio = img.rows/600.0;
        ratio = (c_ratio > r_ratio)?r_ratio:c_ratio;
        printf("downscaled by: %f\n", ratio);
        resize( img, img, Size( img.cols/ratio, img.rows/ratio ),0,0,INTER_LANCZOS4);
        resize( mask, mask, Size( mask.cols/ratio, mask.rows/ratio ),0,0,INTER_LANCZOS4);
        donwSampled = true;

And the end of this function I'm upscaling as follows:

    resize( img, img, Size( img.cols*ratio, img.rows*ratio ));
    resize( mask, mask, Size( mask.cols*ratio, mask.rows*ratio ));

The input mask is as follows:


The output is this:


As one can see in the output image the little area around the brush are marked wrong both in foreground and background selection.