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OpenCV Error: Assertion failed with live stream video

Im trying to count traffic with a live stream video of a ip camera in my raspberry pi 3. One minute after running my programm this error comes out. image description

This happen everytime I run it. Also when I run a code just to display the live video some times, this comes out. image description

I'm using a code I found to count cars that works pretty good with videos, but when I set a video stream instead, it crashes. I'm using C++

Actually I'm new on OpenCV and C++, so if anybody can help me understand what am I doing wrong, and why my programm works well just with videos and not with stream videos, I'll apreciate

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed with live stream video

Im trying to count traffic traffic with a live stream video of a ip camera in my raspberry pi 3. 3 . One minute after running my programm this error comes out. image description

This happen everytime I run it. Also when I run a code just to display the live video some times, this comes out. image description

I'm using a code I found to count cars that works pretty good with videos, but when I set a video stream instead, it crashes. I'm using C++

Actually I'm new on OpenCV and C++, so if anybody can help me understand what am I doing wrong, and why my programm works well just with videos and not with stream videos, I'll apreciate

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed with live stream video

Im trying to count traffic with a live stream video of a ip camera in my raspberry pi 3 . One minute after running my programm this error comes out. image description

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (dims <= 2 && step[0] > 0) in locateROI, file /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.3.0/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp, line 981 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.3.0/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:981: error: (-215) dims <= 2 && step[0] > 0 in function locateROI Abortado

This happen everytime I run it. Also when I run a code just to display the live video some times, this comes out. image description

[h264 @ 0x1f34000] left block unavailable for requested intra mode at 0 40 [h264 @ 0x1f34000] error while decoding MB 0 40, bytestream 0

I'm using a code I found to count cars that works pretty good with videos, but when I set a video stream instead, it crashes. I'm using C++

Actually I'm new on OpenCV and C++, so if anybody can help me understand what am I doing wrong, and why my programm works well just with videos and not with stream videos, I'll apreciate

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed with live stream video

Im trying to count traffic with a live stream video of a ip camera in my raspberry pi 3 . One minute after running my programm this error comes out.

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (dims <= 2 && step[0] > 0) in locateROI, file /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.3.0/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp, line 981 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.3.0/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:981: error: (-215) dims <= 2 && step[0] > 0 in function locateROI Abortado

This happen everytime I run it. Also when I run a code just to display the live video some times, this comes out.

[h264 @ 0x1f34000] left block unavailable for requested intra mode at 0 40 [h264 @ 0x1f34000] error while decoding MB 0 40, bytestream 0

I'm using a code I found to count cars that works pretty good with videos, but when I set a video stream instead, it crashes. I'm using C++

Actually I'm new on OpenCV and C++, so if anybody can help me understand what am I doing wrong, and why my programm works well just with videos and not with stream videos, I'll apreciate

int main(void) {

    cv::VideoCapture capVideo;
    cv::Mat imgFrame1;
    cv::Mat imgFrame2;
    std::vector<Blob> blobs;
    cv::Point crossingLine[2];"rtsp://myipcamera:554/11");

    if (!capVideo.isOpened()) {                                                 // if unable to open video file
        std::cout << "error reading video file" << std::endl << std::endl;      // show error message
        _getch();                   // it may be necessary to change or remove this line if not using Windows
        return(0);                                                              // and exit program

    if (capVideo.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) < 2) {
        std::cout << "error: video file must have at least two frames";
        _getch();                   // it may be necessary to change or remove this line if not using Windows

    //Puntos para trazar la linea sensor
    int intHorizontalLinePosition = (int)std::round((double)imgFrame1.cols * 0.55);

    crossingLine[0].x = intHorizontalLinePosition;
    crossingLine[0].y = 0;

    crossingLine[1].x = intHorizontalLinePosition;
    crossingLine[1].y = imgFrame1.rows - 1;

    char chCheckForEscKey = 0;
    bool blnFirstFrame = true;
    int frameCount = 2;

    //El loop que se realice mientras el video esté abierto o mientras no presionen esc
    while (capVideo.isOpened() && chCheckForEscKey != 27) {

        std::vector<Blob> currentFrameBlobs;

        cv::Mat imgFrame1Copy = imgFrame1.clone();
        cv::Mat imgFrame2Copy = imgFrame2.clone();

        cv::Mat imgDifference;
        cv::Mat imgThresh;

        cv::cvtColor(imgFrame1Copy, imgFrame1Copy, CV_BGR2GRAY);
        cv::cvtColor(imgFrame2Copy, imgFrame2Copy, CV_BGR2GRAY);

        cv::GaussianBlur(imgFrame1Copy, imgFrame1Copy, cv::Size(5, 5), 0);
        cv::GaussianBlur(imgFrame2Copy, imgFrame2Copy, cv::Size(5, 5), 0);

        cv::absdiff(imgFrame1Copy, imgFrame2Copy, imgDifference);

        cv::threshold(imgDifference, imgThresh, 30, 255.0, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

        //  cv::namedWindow("imgThresh", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // Create a window for display.

        cv::imshow("imgThresh", imgThresh);

        cv::Mat structuringElement3x3 = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3, 3));
        cv::Mat structuringElement5x5 = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(5, 5));
        cv::Mat structuringElement7x7 = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(7, 7));
        cv::Mat structuringElement15x15 = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(15, 15));

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            cv::dilate(imgThresh, imgThresh, structuringElement5x5);
            cv::dilate(imgThresh, imgThresh, structuringElement5x5);
            cv::erode(imgThresh, imgThresh, structuringElement5x5);

        cv::Mat imgThreshCopy = imgThresh.clone();
        std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
        cv::findContours(imgThreshCopy, contours, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
        drawAndShowContours(imgThresh.size(), contours, "imgContours");
        std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > convexHulls(contours.size());

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
            cv::convexHull(contours[i], convexHulls[i]);

        drawAndShowContours(imgThresh.size(), convexHulls, "imgConvexHulls");
        identifyMovilObject(currentFrameBlobs, imgThresh, convexHulls);
        drawAndShowContours(imgThresh.size(), currentFrameBlobs, "imgCurrentFrameBlobs");
        if (blnFirstFrame == true) {
            for (auto &currentFrameBlob : currentFrameBlobs) {
        else {
            matchCurrentFrameBlobsToExistingBlobs(blobs, currentFrameBlobs);

        drawAndShowContours(imgThresh.size(), blobs, "imgBlobs");

        imgFrame2Copy = imgFrame2.clone();          // get another copy of frame 2 since we changed the previous frame 2 copy in the processing above

        drawBlobInfoOnImage(blobs, imgFrame2Copy);

        bool blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine = checkIfBigCarBlobsCrossedTheLine(blobs, intHorizontalLinePosition, bigCount);
        blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine = checkIfCarBlobsCrossedTheLine(blobs, intHorizontalLinePosition, carCount) || blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine;
        blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine = checkIfMotoBlobsCrossedTheLine(blobs, intHorizontalLinePosition, motoCount) || blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine;

        if (blnAtLeastOneBlobCrossedTheLine == true) {
            cv::line(imgFrame2Copy, crossingLine[0], crossingLine[1], SCALAR_GREEN, 2); //Linea separadora cuando pasa un carro
        else {cv::line(imgFrame2Copy, crossingLine[0], crossingLine[1], SCALAR_RED, 2);}    //Linea separadora


        cv::imshow("imgFrame2Copy", imgFrame2Copy);

        //cv::waitKey(0);                 // uncomment this line to go frame by frame for debugging

        // now we prepare for the next iteration


        imgFrame1 = imgFrame2.clone();           // move frame 1 up to where frame 2 is

        if ((capVideo.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) + 1) < capVideo.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) {
        else {
            std::cout << "end of video\n";

        blnFirstFrame = false;
        chCheckForEscKey = cv::waitKey(1);

    if (chCheckForEscKey != 27) {               // if the user did not press esc (i.e. we reached the end of the video)
        cv::waitKey(0);                         // hold the windows open to allow the "end of video" message to show
    // note that if the user did press esc, we don't need to hold the windows open, we can simply let the program end which will close the windows
