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Unable to use caffe model trained in tensorflow in opencv dnn

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Hello community, I used Nvidia digits to train caffe model with my own dataset based on alexnet network.After 30 epochs the training got completed I obtained the .caffemodel and prototxt files as output. But the the .caffemodel icon looks different and I am not able to deploy the trained caffemodel in opencv dnn samples code. I am getting weird errors. Can I directly use the model obtained from digits or should I convert the caffemodel show in the pic to appropriate format before loading it in opencv dnn code ? If yes, how to convert ? I am new to this field. Your help is enormously appreciated. Thanks :)

Unable to use caffe model trained in tensorflow in opencv dnn

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Hello community, I used Nvidia digits to train caffe model with my own dataset based on alexnet network.After 30 epochs the training got completed I obtained the .caffemodel and prototxt files as output. But the the .caffemodel icon looks different and I am not able to deploy the trained caffemodel in opencv dnn samples code. I am getting weird errors. Can I directly use the model obtained from digits or should I convert the caffemodel show in the pic to appropriate format before loading it in opencv dnn code ? If yes, how to convert ? I am new to this field. Your help is enormously appreciated. Thanks :)

Unable to use caffe model trained in tensorflow in opencv dnn

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Hello community, I used Nvidia digits to train caffe model with my own dataset based on alexnet network.After 30 epochs the training got completed I obtained the .caffemodel and prototxt files as output. But the the .caffemodel icon looks different and I am not able to deploy the trained caffemodel in opencv dnn samples code. I am getting weird errors. Can I directly use the model obtained from digits or should I convert the caffemodel show in the pic to appropriate format before loading it in opencv dnn code ? If yes, how to convert ? I am new to this field. Your help is enormously appreciated. Thanks :)

click to hide/show revision 4

updated 2017-10-27 05:27:29 -0600

berak gravatar image

Unable to use caffe model trained in tensorflow in opencv dnn

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Hello community, I used Nvidia digits to train caffe model with my own dataset based on alexnet network.After 30 epochs the training got completed I obtained the .caffemodel and prototxt files as output. But the the .caffemodel icon looks different and I am not able to deploy the trained caffemodel in opencv dnn samples code. I am getting weird errors. Can I directly use the model obtained from digits or should I convert the caffemodel show in the pic to appropriate format before loading it in opencv dnn code ? If yes, how to convert ? I am new to this field. Your help is enormously appreciated. Thanks :)

click to hide/show revision 5

updated 2017-10-27 05:28:06 -0600

berak gravatar image

Unable to use caffe model trained in tensorflow nvidia digits in opencv dnndnn code

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Hello community, I used Nvidia digits to train caffe model with my own dataset based on alexnet network.After 30 epochs the training got completed I obtained the .caffemodel and prototxt files as output. But the the .caffemodel icon looks different and I am not able to deploy the trained caffemodel in opencv dnn samples code. I am getting weird errors. Can I directly use the model obtained from digits or should I convert the caffemodel show in the pic to appropriate format before loading it in opencv dnn code ? If yes, how to convert ? I am new to this field. Your help is enormously appreciated. Thanks :)

Unable to use caffe model trained in nvidia digits in opencv dnn code

Hello community, I used Nvidia digits to train caffe model with my own dataset based on alexnet network.After 30 epochs the training got completed I obtained the .caffemodel and prototxt files as output. But the the .caffemodel icon looks different and I am not able to deploy the trained caffemodel in opencv dnn samples code. I am getting weird errors. Can I directly use the model obtained from digits or should I convert the caffemodel show in the pic to appropriate format before loading it in opencv dnn code ? If yes, how to convert ? I am new to this field. Your help is enormously appreciated. Thanks :)

Unable to use caffe model trained in nvidia digits in opencv dnn code

Hello community, I used Nvidia digits to train caffe model with my own dataset based on alexnet network.After 30 epochs the training got completed I obtained the .caffemodel and prototxt files as output. But the the .caffemodel icon looks different and I am not able to deploy the trained caffemodel in opencv dnn samples code. I am getting weird errors. Can I directly use the model obtained from digits or should I convert the caffemodel show in the pic to appropriate format before loading it in opencv dnn code ? If yes, how to convert ? I am new to this field. Your help is enormously appreciated. Thanks :)