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Android OpenCV - Take Mat object from VideoView/SurfaceView


In my Android app there is a VideoView (I can also use a SurfaceView) where display a livestream from an udp url.

Can I take the current frame from the VideoView and save it in a Mat object? How?

Thank you very much!

Best Regards!

Android OpenCV - Take Mat object from VideoView/SurfaceView


In my Android app there is a VideoView (I can also use a SurfaceView) where display a livestream from an udp url.url (it is the live stream from a GoPro and it work well).

Can I take need to take, when I click on a button, the current actual frame from displayed in the VideoView and save it in a Mat object? How?How can I do this?

Thank you very much!

Best Regards!

Android OpenCV - Take Mat object from VideoView/SurfaceView


In my Android app there is a VideoView (I can also use a SurfaceView) where display a livestream from an udp url (it is the live stream from a GoPro and it work well).

I need to take, when I click on a button, the actual frame displayed in the VideoView and save it in a Mat object? object.

How can I do this?

Thank you very much!

Best Regards!