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Camera pose from homography?

Given K, an intrinsic camera matrix, a reference image from a camera 1 which pose is known and an image from a camera 2 which pose is unknown, is there a way to compute the pose of camera 2 using the homography matrix found between the two images from matched key-points if I know their 3D coordinates? Or, if not, from anyone of the fundamental or essential matrices?

Could it perform better or faster thant SolvePnP?

Camera pose from homography?

Given K, an intrinsic camera matrix, a reference image from a camera 1 which pose is known and an image from a camera 2 which pose is unknown, is there a way to compute the pose of camera 2 using the homography matrix found between the two images from matched key-points if I know their 3D coordinates? coordinates (these points may not be coplanar at all)? Or, if not, from anyone of the fundamental or essential matrices?

Could it perform better or faster thant SolvePnP?