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Retrieve yaw,pitch,roll from rvec

I need to retrieve the attitude angles of a camera (using cv2 on Python).

  • Yaw being the general orientation of the camera when on an horizontal plane: toward north=0, toward east = 90°, south=180°, west=270°, etc.
  • Pitch being the "nose" orientation of the camera: 0° = horitzontal, -90° = looking down vertically, +90° = looking up vertically, 45° = looking up at an angle of 45° from the horizon, etc.
  • Roll being if the camera is tilted left or right when in your hands: +45° = tilted 45° in a clockwise rotation when you grab the camera, thus +90° (and -90°) would be the angle needed for a portrait picture for example, etc.

I have yet rvec and tvec from a solvepnp().

Then I have computed:
rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]

If I'm right, camera position in the world coordinates system is given by:
position_camera = -np.matrix(rmat).T * np.matrix(tvec)

But how to retrieve corresponding attitude angles (yaw, pitch and roll as describe above) from the point of view of the observer (thus the camera)?

I have tried implementing this : in a function :

def rotation_matrix_to_attitude_angles(R) :
    import math
    import numpy as np 
    cos_beta = math.sqrt(R[2,1] * R[2,1] + R[2,2] * R[2,2])
    validity = cos_beta < 1e-6
    if not validity:
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = math.atan2(R[2,1], R[2,2])    # roll  [x]
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = 0                             # roll  [x]

    return np.array([alpha, beta, gamma])

but it gives me some results which are far away from reality on a true dataset.
Am I doing something wrong?
And if yes, what?
All informations I've found are incomplete (never saying in which reference frame we are or whatever in a rigorous way).

Retrieve yaw,pitch,roll from rvec

I need to retrieve the attitude angles of a camera (using cv2 on Python).

  • Yaw being the general orientation of the camera when on an horizontal plane: toward north=0, toward east = 90°, south=180°, west=270°, etc.
  • Pitch being the "nose" orientation of the camera: 0° = horitzontal, -90° = looking down vertically, +90° = looking up vertically, 45° = looking up at an angle of 45° from the horizon, etc.
  • Roll being if the camera is tilted left or right when in your hands: +45° = tilted 45° in a clockwise rotation when you grab the camera, thus +90° (and -90°) would be the angle needed for a portrait picture for example, etc.

I have yet rvec and tvec from a solvepnp().

Then I have computed:
rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]

If I'm right, camera position in the world coordinates system is given by:
position_camera = -np.matrix(rmat).T * np.matrix(tvec)

But how to retrieve corresponding attitude angles (yaw, pitch and roll as describe above) from the point of view of the observer (thus the camera)?

I have tried implementing this : in a function :

def rotation_matrix_to_attitude_angles(R) :
    import math
    import numpy as np 
    cos_beta = math.sqrt(R[2,1] * R[2,1] + R[2,2] * R[2,2])
    validity = cos_beta < 1e-6
    if not validity:
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = math.atan2(R[2,1], R[2,2])    # roll  [x]
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = 0                             # roll  [x]

    return np.array([alpha, beta, gamma])

but it gives me some results which are far away from reality on a true dataset. dataset (even when applying it to the inverse rotation matrix: rmat.T).
Am I doing something wrong?
And if yes, what?
All informations I've found are incomplete (never saying in which reference frame we are or whatever in a rigorous way).

Retrieve yaw,pitch,roll from rvec

I need to retrieve the attitude angles of a camera (using cv2 on Python).

  • Yaw being the general orientation of the camera when on an horizontal plane: toward north=0, toward east = 90°, south=180°, west=270°, etc.
  • Pitch being the "nose" orientation of the camera: 0° = horitzontal, -90° = looking down vertically, +90° = looking up vertically, 45° = looking up at an angle of 45° from the horizon, etc.
  • Roll being if the camera is tilted left or right when in your hands: +45° = tilted 45° in a clockwise rotation when you grab the camera, thus +90° (and -90°) would be the angle needed for a portrait picture for example, etc.

I have yet rvec and tvec from a solvepnp().

Then I have computed:
rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]

If I'm right, camera position in the world coordinates system is given by:
position_camera = -np.matrix(rmat).T * np.matrix(tvec)

But how to retrieve corresponding attitude angles (yaw, pitch and roll as describe above) from the point of view of the observer (thus the camera)?

I have tried implementing this : in a function :

def rotation_matrix_to_attitude_angles(R) :
    import math
    import numpy as np 
    cos_beta = math.sqrt(R[2,1] * R[2,1] + R[2,2] * R[2,2])
    validity = cos_beta < 1e-6
    if not validity:
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = math.atan2(R[2,1], R[2,2])    # roll  [x]
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = 0                             # roll  [x]

    return np.array([alpha, beta, gamma])

but it gives me some results which are far away from reality on a true dataset (even when applying it to the inverse rotation matrix: rmat.T).
Am I doing something wrong?
And if yes, what?
All informations I've found are incomplete (never saying in which reference frame we are or whatever in a rigorous way).

Update: Rotation order seems to be of greatest importance.
So; do you know to which of these matrix does the cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) result correspond?: rotation matrices From:

Retrieve yaw,pitch,roll from rvec

I need to retrieve the attitude angles of a camera (using cv2 on Python).

  • Yaw being the general orientation of the camera when on an horizontal plane: toward north=0, toward east = 90°, south=180°, west=270°, etc.
  • Pitch being the "nose" orientation of the camera: 0° = horitzontal, -90° = looking down vertically, +90° = looking up vertically, 45° = looking up at an angle of 45° from the horizon, etc.
  • Roll being if the camera is tilted left or right when in your hands: +45° = tilted 45° in a clockwise rotation when you grab the camera, thus +90° (and -90°) would be the angle needed for a portrait picture for example, etc.

I have yet rvec and tvec from a solvepnp().

Then I have computed:
rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]

If I'm right, camera position in the world coordinates system is given by:
position_camera = -np.matrix(rmat).T * np.matrix(tvec)

But how to retrieve corresponding attitude angles (yaw, pitch and roll as describe above) from the point of view of the observer (thus the camera)?

I have tried implementing this : in a function :

def rotation_matrix_to_attitude_angles(R) :
    import math
    import numpy as np 
    cos_beta = math.sqrt(R[2,1] * R[2,1] + R[2,2] * R[2,2])
    validity = cos_beta < 1e-6
    if not validity:
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = math.atan2(R[2,1], R[2,2])    # roll  [x]
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = 0                             # roll  [x]

    return np.array([alpha, beta, gamma])

but it gives me some results which are far away from reality on a true dataset (even when applying it to the inverse rotation matrix: rmat.T).
Am I doing something wrong?
And if yes, what?
All informations I've found are incomplete (never saying in which reference frame we are or whatever in a rigorous way).

Update: Rotation order seems to be of greatest importance.
So; do you know to which of these matrix does the cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) result correspond?: rotation matrices


Retrieve yaw,pitch,roll from rvec

I need to retrieve the attitude angles of a camera (using cv2 on Python).

  • Yaw being the general orientation of the camera when on an horizontal plane: toward north=0, toward east = 90°, south=180°, west=270°, etc.
  • Pitch being the "nose" orientation of the camera: 0° = horitzontal, -90° = looking down vertically, +90° = looking up vertically, 45° = looking up at an angle of 45° from the horizon, etc.
  • Roll being if the camera is tilted left or right when in your hands: +45° = tilted 45° in a clockwise rotation when you grab the camera, thus +90° (and -90°) would be the angle needed for a portrait picture for example, etc.

I have yet rvec and tvec from a solvepnp().

Then I have computed:
rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]

If I'm right, camera position in the world coordinates system is given by:
position_camera = -np.matrix(rmat).T * np.matrix(tvec)

But how to retrieve corresponding attitude angles (yaw, pitch and roll as describe above) from the point of view of the observer (thus the camera)?

I have tried implementing this : in a function :

def rotation_matrix_to_attitude_angles(R) :
    import math
    import numpy as np 
    cos_beta = math.sqrt(R[2,1] * R[2,1] + R[2,2] * R[2,2])
    validity = cos_beta < 1e-6
    if not validity:
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = math.atan2(R[2,1], R[2,2])    # roll  [x]
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = 0                             # roll  [x]

    return np.array([alpha, beta, gamma])

but it gives me some results which are far away from reality on a true dataset (even when applying it to the inverse rotation matrix: rmat.T).
Am I doing something wrong?
And if yes, what?
All informations I've found are incomplete (never saying in which reference frame we are or whatever in a rigorous way).

Update: Update:

Rotation order seems to be of greatest importance.
So; do you know to which of these matrix does the cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) result correspond?: rotation matrices


Retrieve yaw,pitch,roll yaw, pitch, roll from rvec

I need to retrieve the attitude angles of a camera (using cv2 on Python).

  • Yaw being the general orientation of the camera when on an horizontal plane: toward north=0, toward east = 90°, south=180°, west=270°, etc.
  • Pitch being the "nose" orientation of the camera: 0° = horitzontal, -90° = looking down vertically, +90° = looking up vertically, 45° = looking up at an angle of 45° from the horizon, etc.
  • Roll being if the camera is tilted left or right when in your hands: +45° = tilted 45° in a clockwise rotation when you grab the camera, thus +90° (and -90°) would be the angle needed for a portrait picture for example, etc.

I have yet rvec and tvec from a solvepnp().

Then I have computed:
rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]

If I'm right, camera position in the world coordinates system is given by:
position_camera = -np.matrix(rmat).T * np.matrix(tvec)

But how to retrieve corresponding attitude angles (yaw, pitch and roll as describe above) from the point of view of the observer (thus the camera)?

I have tried implementing this : in a function :

def rotation_matrix_to_attitude_angles(R) :
    import math
    import numpy as np 
    cos_beta = math.sqrt(R[2,1] * R[2,1] + R[2,2] * R[2,2])
    validity = cos_beta < 1e-6
    if not validity:
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = math.atan2(R[2,1], R[2,2])    # roll  [x]
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = 0                             # roll  [x]

    return np.array([alpha, beta, gamma])

but it gives me some results which are far away from reality on a true dataset (even when applying it to the inverse rotation matrix: rmat.T).
Am I doing something wrong?
And if yes, what?
All informations I've found are incomplete (never saying in which reference frame we are or whatever in a rigorous way).


Rotation order seems to be of greatest importance.
So; do you know to which of these matrix does the cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) result correspond?: rotation matrices


Retrieve yaw, pitch, roll from rvec

I need to retrieve the attitude angles of a camera (using cv2 on Python).

  • Yaw being the general orientation of the camera when on an horizontal plane: toward north=0, toward east = 90°, south=180°, west=270°, etc.
  • Pitch being the "nose" orientation of the camera: 0° = horitzontal, -90° = looking down vertically, +90° = looking up vertically, 45° = looking up at an angle of 45° from the horizon, etc.
  • Roll being if the camera is tilted left or right when in your hands: +45° = tilted 45° in a clockwise rotation when you grab the camera, thus +90° (and -90°) would be the angle needed for a portrait picture for example, etc.

I have yet rvec and tvec from a solvepnp().

Then I have computed:
rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]

If I'm right, camera position in the world coordinates system is given by:
position_camera = -np.matrix(rmat).T * np.matrix(tvec)

But how to retrieve corresponding attitude angles (yaw, pitch and roll as describe above) from the point of view of the observer (thus the camera)?

I have tried implementing this : in a function :

def rotation_matrix_to_attitude_angles(R) :
    import math
    import numpy as np 
    cos_beta = math.sqrt(R[2,1] * R[2,1] + R[2,2] * R[2,2])
    validity = cos_beta < 1e-6
    if not validity:
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = math.atan2(R[2,1], R[2,2])    # roll  [x]
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = 0                             # roll  [x]

    return np.array([alpha, beta, gamma])

but it gives me some results which are far away from reality on a true dataset (even when applying it to the inverse rotation matrix: rmat.T).
Am I doing something wrong?
And if yes, what?
All informations I've found are incomplete (never saying in which reference frame we are or whatever in a rigorous way).


Rotation order seems to be of greatest importance.
So; do you know to which of these matrix does the cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) result correspond?: rotation matrices



: I'm finally done. Here's the solution:

def yawpitchrolldecomposition(R):
import math
import numpy as np
sin_x    = math.sqrt(R[2,0] * R[2,0] +  R[2,1] * R[2,1])    
validity  = sin_x < 1e-6
if not singular:
    z1    = math.atan2(R[2,0], R[2,1])     # around z1-axis
    x      = math.atan2(sin_x,  R[2,2])     # around x-axis
    z2    = math.atan2(R[0,2], -R[1,2])    # around z2-axis
else: # gimbal lock
    z1    = 0                                         # around z1-axis
    x      = math.atan2(sin_x,  R[2,2])     # around x-axis
    z2    = 0                                         # around z2-axis

return np.array([[z1], [x], [z2]])

yawpitchroll_angles = -180*yawpitchrolldecomposition(rmat)/math.pi
yawpitchroll_angles[0,0] = (360-yawpitchroll_angles[0,0])%360 # change rotation sense if needed, comment this line otherwise
yawpitchroll_angles[1,0] = yawpitchroll_angles[1,0]+90

That's it!

Retrieve yaw, pitch, roll from rvec

I need to retrieve the attitude angles of a camera (using cv2 on Python).

  • Yaw being the general orientation of the camera when on an horizontal plane: toward north=0, toward east = 90°, south=180°, west=270°, etc.
  • Pitch being the "nose" orientation of the camera: 0° = horitzontal, -90° = looking down vertically, +90° = looking up vertically, 45° = looking up at an angle of 45° from the horizon, etc.
  • Roll being if the camera is tilted left or right when in your hands: +45° = tilted 45° in a clockwise rotation when you grab the camera, thus +90° (and -90°) would be the angle needed for a portrait picture for example, etc.

I have yet rvec and tvec from a solvepnp().

Then I have computed:
rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]

If I'm right, camera position in the world coordinates system is given by:
position_camera = -np.matrix(rmat).T * np.matrix(tvec)

But how to retrieve corresponding attitude angles (yaw, pitch and roll as describe above) from the point of view of the observer (thus the camera)?

I have tried implementing this : in a function :

def rotation_matrix_to_attitude_angles(R) :
    import math
    import numpy as np 
    cos_beta = math.sqrt(R[2,1] * R[2,1] + R[2,2] * R[2,2])
    validity = cos_beta < 1e-6
    if not validity:
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = math.atan2(R[2,1], R[2,2])    # roll  [x]
        alpha = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])    # yaw   [z]
        beta  = math.atan2(-R[2,0], cos_beta) # pitch [y]
        gamma = 0                             # roll  [x]

    return np.array([alpha, beta, gamma])

but it gives me some results which are far away from reality on a true dataset (even when applying it to the inverse rotation matrix: rmat.T).
Am I doing something wrong?
And if yes, what?
All informations I've found are incomplete (never saying in which reference frame we are or whatever in a rigorous way).


Rotation order seems to be of greatest importance.
So; do you know to which of these matrix does the cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) result correspond?: rotation matrices




I'm finally done. Here's the solution:

def yawpitchrolldecomposition(R):
import math
import numpy as np
sin_x    = math.sqrt(R[2,0] * R[2,0] +  R[2,1] * R[2,1])    
validity  = sin_x < 1e-6
if not singular:
    z1    = math.atan2(R[2,0], R[2,1])     # around z1-axis
    x      = math.atan2(sin_x,  R[2,2])     # around x-axis
    z2    = math.atan2(R[0,2], -R[1,2])    # around z2-axis
else: # gimbal lock
    z1    = 0                                         # around z1-axis
    x      = math.atan2(sin_x,  R[2,2])     # around x-axis
    z2    = 0                                         # around z2-axis

return np.array([[z1], [x], [z2]])

yawpitchroll_angles = -180*yawpitchrolldecomposition(rmat)/math.pi
yawpitchroll_angles[0,0] = (360-yawpitchroll_angles[0,0])%360 # change rotation sense if needed, comment this line otherwise
yawpitchroll_angles[1,0] = yawpitchroll_angles[1,0]+90

That's it!all folks!