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opencv_traincascade and opencv_createsample on windows

I need to use a cascade classifier.

I use Windows 7 I've already use OpeNCV for 2 or 3 project in java, i've install it with this guide, with the prebuild libraries

But when i'm trying those command, windows can't find them... i guess it's an install problem, but i can't find what's wrong. Sorry... noob problem...

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opencv_traincascade and opencv_createsample on windows

I need to use a cascade classifier. I've read these guide which is prety clear.

I use Windows 7 I've already use OpeNCV for 2 or 3 project in java, i've install it with this guide, with the prebuild libraries

But when i'm trying those command, windows can't find them... i guess it's an install problem, but i can't find what's wrong. Sorry... noob problem...