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OpenCV Libs Cause Bad_Alloc on CARMA

asked 2013-03-18 09:32:00 -0600

clattenb gravatar image

updated 2013-03-18 21:08:56 -0600


I quickly asked this question in a comment but I think it is better served as a topic.

I have a simple application that opens up an opengl window, nothing else, and it works fine on the CARMA board with opengl libraries and cuda libraries used when compiled. The moment I add opencv libraries to the project and try to run it on the CARMA board I get a std::bad_alloc error at runtime (doesn't even get to main()).It's the same opengl window code that has worked before. I think one or a couple libraries are allocating too much space for storage for the CARMA devboard? Not my area of expertise so it's just speculation at this point. Does any one have any suggestions on how to fix this? It may just be an compile flag that's missing or that is wrong when I compile Opencv.

Thanks in advance for the help.

EDIT: After more trial and error tonight I believe that it's a lack of physical memory on CARMA. Does anyone know what the physical memory requirement is for OpenCV?

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answered 2013-03-21 10:32:10 -0600

clattenb gravatar image

Fixed the issue, here's a post for those that run into this in the future.

Use OpenCV static libraries. Also don't forget to use the compiled Opencv liblibtiff, liblibpng, etc. in the "install" directory in your build location.

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Asked: 2013-03-18 09:32:00 -0600

Seen: 170 times

Last updated: Mar 21 '13