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Android Camera/Program control

asked 2013-03-09 10:12:57 -0600

I am writing a simple augmented reality application would like to structure the program differently than any of the provided examples that use CvCameraViewListener. I require a layer of control above the continuous acquire-process-display frame process and I'm not sure how to accomplish my goal (my programming experience is limited to programs with simple structures).

I have my code prototyped in OpenCV 2.3 for Android and the code structure there is much simpler. I'm trying to implement the latest version of OpenCV and it appears like I need to make my existing code fit into a more current supported app structure.

I would like to start off by acquiring frames, processing the frames (searching for AR fiducials), and displaying the frames. When a fiducial is found I'd like to stop acquiring frames, display only the last camera frame (with recognized fiducial), and overlay AR content over the last frame.

I'm not sure where to implement this layer of control. I started poking around CameraBridgeBaseView but this doesn't capture all of the control I require. I can't seem to find anything that implements a traditional control loop that I am familiar with.

Anyone have any suggestions on where to start? I'd love to find an example with a framework I can modify or work from. Thanks in advance.

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answered 2013-03-12 08:15:42 -0600

All examples in OpenCV4Android SDK are implemented with CvCameraViewListener or CvCameraViewListener2 approaches. You can choose any that fits to your requirement. There is tutorial-3 example, that demonstrates custom camera control. It will be helpful for you.

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Asked: 2013-03-09 10:12:57 -0600

Seen: 416 times

Last updated: Mar 12 '13