Stereo calibration

asked 2015-10-04 09:17:30 -0600

raghu gravatar image

I have been trying stereo calibration. I have taken chessboard images from two different cameras. The cameras are kept on a level table. Single calibration of the two cameras is correct I think because they're the same mobile model and the focal length results are similar. But I have a doubt about the stereo calibration results because my translation vector is non zero in all three directions with big values. But they are just kept on a level table, side by side. z component of the translation vector should be zero, right?

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If you mean by "my translation vector is non zero in all three directions with big values" the transformation matrix between the two cameras, the z could be non zero but not with a big offset (there is always a slight difference when you position manually the two cameras).

Also, pay attention to the unit you used during the calibration (meter, centimeter, ...).

There is an example (stereo_calib.cpp) for openCV 3.0.

Eduardo gravatar imageEduardo ( 2015-10-05 11:45:05 -0600 )edit