warpPerspective undefined

asked 2015-08-14 12:07:20 -0600

Nbb gravatar image

Hi forum,

I am unable to use the warpPerspective function due to this error #include "opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp": No such file or directory.

Can someone tell me the easiest idiotproof way to get it to work without using cmake ? I have no idea what cmake is and how to use cmake. My visual studio got ruined the last time I tried to use cmake without a proper tutorial. I have 0.000% understanding of cmake and I do not want to ruin my visual studio again as I had so much problems setting it up.

I guess in the worst case scenario I will just code out the transformation myself but I thought I should just ask here first.


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wrapPerspective is included in imgproc not in nonfree module. How have you ruined your visual sudio with cmake?

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2015-08-14 13:05:20 -0600 )edit

You are right. You just saved my life. I thought it was under the nonfree module when I followed a certain tutorial online.

The tutorial used SIFT, which i guess is under the nonfree module. I am not using SIFT though.

Nbb gravatar imageNbb ( 2015-08-15 03:11:44 -0600 )edit

I think you are not using opencv 3.0. If you're interested with nonfree module you can have a look here or here

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2015-08-15 03:28:24 -0600 )edit