What is the best Python IDE for OpenCV in Ubuntu linux? Is EMACS good? [closed]

asked 2015-08-08 11:57:18 -0600

I was using Anaconda Spyder IDE on Windows but could not use SIFT/SURF functions in present version of OpenCV 3.0.0, unless I used the previous version of OpenCV (2.4.11). Linux, I guess, would be a better way to CMAKE the repository files of SIFT/SURF with the present version of OpenCV.

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Closed for the following reason question is off-topic or not relevant by berak
close date 2015-08-10 02:15:33.683184



"but could not use SIFT/SURF functions in present version of OpenCV 3.0.0" - that's not the fault of your IDE, you need the contrib repo

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2015-08-08 23:16:50 -0600 )edit