Inverse Pattern

asked 2015-08-04 09:15:51 -0600

SUHAS gravatar image

Hello All,

I am working on Inverse Pattern. I have one chessboard image. I am projecting this on floor which is around 45 degree, so I can see the deformed chessboard on floor. If I would have projected at 180 degree, then I would have seen proper chessboard because of the change in angle, I couldn't.

It might also possible to say in other way round, for example I have two images one is proper chessboard pattern and other is deformed chessboard image (all the square are not having same size because of projection angle). By taking reference of proper chessboard, I have to make the inverse of the deformed chessboard, so that chessboard should not be deformed at that angle of projection.

Can someone give idea please,

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There is three steps in my opinion:

  • detect the chessboard, if the pattern is the same than the one used by OpenCV, you can use findChessboardCorners
    • calculate the homography , the transformation that relates the two views with findHomography
    • dewarp the image using the calculated homography matrix, with warpPerspective
Eduardo gravatar imageEduardo ( 2015-08-04 10:32:03 -0600 )edit

Thank you for the replay and sorry for my late replay. I have a doubt, I can able to find the corners of the chessboard in undistorted chessboard image but I couldn't able to find the corners in the distorted image because after distortion chessboard squares won't be squares anymore. So what can i do ?

SUHAS gravatar imageSUHAS ( 2015-08-06 04:06:32 -0600 )edit

I don't know which method you use to detect the corners or detect the chessboard but you can calibrate the camera and undistort the image accordingly.

I think that you mean the lines are not straight in the distorted image because you won't have squares in both cases due to the perspective.

Eduardo gravatar imageEduardo ( 2015-08-06 08:08:50 -0600 )edit