Parameters of OpenCV ImageStitching. Trying to understand them.

asked 2015-06-26 09:05:49 -0600

Qbaloz gravatar image

I make GUI program to stitch images and create panoramas. I try to understand all parameters given by OpenCV stitching module but I can't find information about all of them.

I have problem with this:

  1. setRegistrationResol
  2. setSeamEstimationResol
  3. setPanoConfidenceThresh

From BundleAdjustment function:

  1. BundleAdjusterRay
  2. BundleAdjusterReproj

And from Features Matcher:

  1. num_matches_thresh1
  2. num_matches_thresh2

From first group, by changing values, I see on output image that parameters change quality of output image. But I can't find any accurate information about this parameters.

From second BundleAdjustment group. I see that it has something with camera parameters but like previous one, no specific information.

Third group about Features Matcher. I have problem with understand this 2 parameters.

For all people who would like to send me link to OpenCV documentation. I know with some of this parameters there is some information. But mainly it's just 1 sentence or no information. I would like to find some more information about it. Is there any book/site I should visit?

Thanks for any help :)

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You can have a look at this sample and this and this May be you should start with this sample

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2015-06-26 09:38:15 -0600 )edit