unresolved external symbol ippicvsFlip_16u_I (with VS2013,OpenCV 3.0,Windows 8) [closed]

asked 2015-06-06 04:22:54 -0600

gorogm gravatar image

updated 2015-06-06 04:40:49 -0600

Hi All,

I've just tried to compile a tutorial program on Windows 8, Visual Studio 2013, OpenCV 3.0. I've set the include dirs, and added the debug libs in x64/vc12/staticlibs to the linker.

Compilation is okay, linking failed with lot of messages like:

Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ippicvsFlip_16u_I referenced in function "enum IppStatus (__cdecl*__cdecl cv::getFlipFunc(int))(void *,int)" (?getFlipFunc@cv@@YAP6A?AW4IppStatus@@PEAXH@ZH@Z) D:\Prog\OpenCV\Template\TemplateMatching\opencv_core300d.lib(matrix.obj) TemplateMatching

I don't know where should ippicvsFlip_16u_I come from. I couldn't find them in the files in OpenCV's include dir. Did anybody succeed with compiling program with OpenCV3.0 on VS2013?

Searching for ippicvsFlip_16u_I on the internet showed that others face a problem too, but I couldn't find solution! Thanks in advance!

--edit-- I didn't compile OpenCV itself on my computer and I didn't run CMake at all, because as I understand, with using the staticlibs, it is not necessary.

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by gorogm
close date 2015-06-06 11:01:02.522161



I didn't compile OpenCV itself on my computer and I didn't run CMake at all, because as I understand, with using the staticlibs, it is not necessary--->in fact, you must run CMAKE, it will download ippic

wuling gravatar imagewuling ( 2015-06-06 09:06:27 -0600 )edit

thanks a lot dear wuling! Solved! I never knew cmake can download packages.

gorogm gravatar imagegorogm ( 2015-06-06 11:00:16 -0600 )edit