Using opencv to C#

asked 2015-04-25 21:01:52 -0600

vohungvi gravatar image

Hi everybody

I'm programming an app detect object using C++ and use C# for UI because design so easy. I can not use emguCV because size of program too big. My solution is writting code by C++, using wrapper C++/CLI to C#. But I have problem: I can not convert cvMat to Drawing.Image.

I searched Google and this is some way I fail:

  1. Convert cvMat to Hbitmap, but in C# I can not convert to bitmap or image
  2. Send cvMat data as byte[] to C#, but I can't do it because pointer C++ different C#

Could anyone help me? Thank so much

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btw, CvMat is not c++ but from the arcane c-api

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2015-04-26 01:25:49 -0600 )edit