Open rtsp remote stream c++

asked 2014-12-25 14:19:04 -0600

Hi, i'm trying to open a rtsp stream (like rtsp://admin:[email protected]:201/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1) but i'm getting back this error:

method PAUSE failed: 455 Method Not Valid in This state warning: Could not fine codec parameters (../../modules/highgui/src/cap_ffmpeg_mpl.hpp:556)

I tryed to use cvCaptureFromFile,cvCreateFileCapture,VideoCapture but i got same error...

Anyway i can open that stream in vlc.

I used opencv 2.4.9 whit ffmpeg and code::block. As last chance i will open the stream whit libvlc and use opencv for process it. Hopefully this will work.

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