Misunderstood part of the tutorial: OpenCV-Python Tutorials Documentation Release 1 Alexander Mordvintsev & Abid K May 10,

asked 2014-10-03 06:16:39 -0600

Ismael gravatar image

Hello I'd like to thank you for this great tutorials that helped a lot. My question is about the "Feature Matching" section particularly explaining the DMatcher object. It's stated:

  • DMatch.trainIdx - Index of the descriptor in train descriptors
  • DMatch.queryIdx - Index of the descriptor in query descriptors
  • DMatch.imgIdx - Index of the train image

My question is: what is refered by train descriptors? descriptors of the image(reference or model) that must be match other descriptors from another images or the descriptors of the other image themselves? And normally, I supposed that the query is one of both. And what's the index of the train image? You may excuse me if this seem you too obvious but I'm stuck with for an hour now. Thanks a lot.

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