[Floating point exception: 8]/[textdetection.cpp]/[OpenCV 3.0]

asked 2014-05-28 16:28:23 -0600

sdqwerty gravatar image

updated 2017-12-24 11:01:19 -0600

Hello, I am trying to run textdetection.cpp, everything compiles good with

 g++ textdetection.cpp -Wall -o  main -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_objdetect

Now, when I am trying to run code, i get this error:

$:cpp sdqwerty$ ./main scenetext03.jpg


Demo program of the Extremal Region Filter algorithm described in 
Neumann L., Matas J.: Real-Time Scene Text Localization and Recognition, CVPR 2012

Extracting Class Specific Extremal Regions from 9 channels ...
    (...) this may take a while (...)

Floating point exception: 8


  • mac os Mavericks
  • $:cpp sdqwerty$ g++ -v Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1 Apple LLVM version 5.1 (clang-503.0.40) (based on LLVM 3.4svn) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0 Thread model: posix
  • opencv from : https://github.com/Itseez/opencv

Anyone has a same problem ?

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"Floating point exception" does not come from the opencv codebase

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-05-29 03:49:45 -0600 )edit

Yes, this is C error, but I didn't change nothing in example, just trying to run it. I would like to know if someone has a same error running this example on Mavericks.

sdqwerty gravatar imagesdqwerty ( 2014-05-29 06:35:24 -0600 )edit

runs fine on win here

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-05-29 06:39:14 -0600 )edit

Thank you, berak.

sdqwerty gravatar imagesdqwerty ( 2014-05-29 07:35:03 -0600 )edit

I reinstalled openCV libraries with an older submission (end of April) and error disappeared. So there is some error related to erGrouping method in newer submits.

sdqwerty gravatar imagesdqwerty ( 2014-05-29 13:51:37 -0600 )edit

aww. probably worth making an issue

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-05-29 13:55:00 -0600 )edit
sdqwerty gravatar imagesdqwerty ( 2014-05-29 15:30:56 -0600 )edit

probably needs a bit more detail ;)

i.e you told us, that it worked with a previous version

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-05-29 15:33:30 -0600 )edit

I don't know exactly which submission created a bug and I am really new in openCV.

sdqwerty gravatar imagesdqwerty ( 2014-05-29 16:54:18 -0600 )edit

hey, no prob. ;)

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-05-30 02:09:58 -0600 )edit