using opencv backgroundSubtractorGMG to track moving and stationary objects [closed]

asked 2014-04-09 21:27:51 -0600

synthnassizer gravatar image

hi there, I am using backgroundSubtractorGMG from opencv 2.4.8 , using c++ in linux. I am also working only with grayscale images.

The specific subtractor is aimed to be used in variable light , video art installations, which is what I want to do too.

I am tweaking the values "decisionThreshold" and "learningRate" , in an attempt to find optimum settings for what I am trying to do.

What I try to implement is a human tracking mechanism. The human will not be moving all the time though. This affects me because the GMG seems to incorporate in the background , anything that is standing still in a frame for more than 3-4 seconds. How can I increase this time?Additionally, tweaking decisionThreshold and learningRate, does not have a significant effect on altering this bit.

What is more , once the tracked object (1 blob) has come to rest , after the 3-4 seconds, it starts to fade out , (dark spots appear and grow quickly). As these grow, the contour finder starts detecting more than just one object. This is also unwanted behaviour and I wonder if there are some settings I could use to fix this.

What can avoid

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by sturkmen
close date 2020-11-06 19:39:56.338342