how to make a crosshair in a video from a webcam

asked 2014-03-25 15:43:42 -0600

updated 2018-12-25 05:59:08 -0600

I'm truing to find existing code that enables me to control a crosshair inside a live video stream from a webcam that can be converted for use in labview.

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if you mean more than drawing a cross with 2 lines, - please explain it. how is it related to labview ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-03-26 02:18:05 -0600 )edit

Well, I want to use the live video stream of a webcam as an input in labview ,then within labview I want to control a movable crosshair on the live video via a 2D axis virtual joystick. The crosshair provides info such as coordinates within the video.

nikio17 gravatar imagenikio17 ( 2014-03-28 08:51:10 -0600 )edit