Error LNK1107: Invalid or Corrupt File, can't read at 0x2b8

asked 2014-01-29 08:48:54 -0600

Rostock gravatar image

updated 2014-01-30 06:44:34 -0600

I have Windows 8 operating system, Visual Studio 2013, I followed all steps to integrate opencv into visual studio. The following error appears:

Error LNK1107: Invalid or Corrupt File, can't read at 0x2b8 (File opencv_calib3d248.dll)

I checked identifying and integrating dll files, and I wrote all them in the linker !! Still the error appears, how can I solve the problem!

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you're expected to link against .lib files there, not .dll

and also, opencv_calib3d248d.lib for the debug build, opencv_calib3d248.lib for release, similar for all the other libs.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-01-29 10:02:05 -0600 )edit

I link against .lib files and the executable is created without errors. But when I run the executable the error message resurfaces - the filename for me is opencv_core2410d.dll

Matha gravatar imageMatha ( 2014-11-21 20:03:05 -0600 )edit