crash in cv::Mat release function

asked 2020-10-04 03:17:17 -0600

Dudi gravatar image

hi, i'm using opencv_world341.dll, opencv_core2413.dll and opencv_imgproc2413. to simplify the code i just write a function that reads an image and does nothing. See the simple function below void f() { cv::Mat src = cv::imread("D:\image.jpg"); }

while f() ends the destructor of src is called and crashes in the function Mat::release() while calling to deallocate(); Why? How can i fix it?

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i'm using opencv_world341.dll, opencv_core2413.dll and opencv_imgproc2413.

please DONT link to different opencv versions (and you probably should not use anything from 2.4 at all, and 3.4.1 is very outdated)

this might also explain your other problem

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2020-10-04 04:00:39 -0600 )edit