opencv haar classifier training

asked 2013-10-28 17:03:41 -0600

ioanna gravatar image

I am trying to train my own classifier in order to use in my Java application - using JavaCV. So, I collect positive, cropped images and put them in the ./positive_images directory of the cloned repository following the tutorial Then I try to run the following command

find ./positive_images -iname "*.jpg" > positives.txt

and that returns access denied - ./positive_images File not found - -iname

The folder has full permissions.

Do anyone know what is the problem?


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the problem was the quotes.When I used ' instead of " the access denied problem was solved. But now when run the command it returns File not found - '*.jpg'

ioanna gravatar imageioanna ( 2013-10-28 18:21:07 -0600 )edit