perViewErrors from cameraCalibrateExtended all seem to give the same reprojection errors

asked 2020-04-14 16:05:56 -0600

Xzibit gravatar image

updated 2020-04-14 17:10:13 -0600

Hey, I am using cameraCalibrateExtended to find the reprojection error of each snapshot that was used to calibrate. However, when looking at the output, each snapshot has the exact same reprojection error which doesn't seem right.


Output perViewError Mat:

[0.3593395822175014, 0.35933958221750406, 0.35933958221750556, 0.3593395822175085, 0.3593395822175134, 0.35933958221749907, 0.3593395822175048, 0.35933958221749834, 0.35933958221750545, 0.35933958221750406]


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First of all, the calibration board must be completely flat! Never ever use a sheet of paper taken by hand like you did.

calibrateCameraExtended​ needs a list of list of object points / images points. Most likely you just pass a list of object / image points for the first image.

This is a list (for all calibration images) of list of points (for the NxM chessboard points).

Eduardo gravatar imageEduardo ( 2020-04-15 02:38:58 -0600 )edit