How to increase width of a line, which is an output of Canny edge detector in OpenCV [closed]

asked 2020-04-04 14:30:06 -0600

updated 2020-10-24 05:43:26 -0600

The output of the Canny edge detector has lines of width only 1 pixel. How can I increase that width to 2-3 pixels by changing the parameters fed to cv2.Canny(), or changing some setting of cv2.Canny().

I don't prefer to use any post-processing method.

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Closed for the following reason too localized by D_Deepak
close date 2020-07-05 01:11:17.307237



Good thing that OpenCV is open source. Check out the function for yourself to see if that kind of functionality is built-in.

Otherwise, check out dilation:

sjhalayka gravatar imagesjhalayka ( 2020-04-04 17:09:24 -0600 )edit