Could not find ChessboardCorners in following picture

asked 2019-11-08 08:47:40 -0600

saurabh162 gravatar image

updated 2019-11-08 08:48:23 -0600

I have tried following code to find corners of square boxes in attached chess board picture but unfortunately could not find it. Can you please inform me what can i do to detect corners of chessboard in this case...Many thanks ..:)

int main() {
cv::Mat imgOriginal;        // input image
Size  boardSizeTopChessBoard;
boardSizeTopChessBoard.width = 144;  
boardSizeTopChessBoard.height = 3;
vector<Point2f> pointBufTopChessBoard;
bool topChessBoardCornersFound = false;

imgOriginal = cv::imread("topChessBoard.jpg");         
imshow("Original Image ", imgOriginal);

topChessBoardCornersFound = findChessboardCornersSB(imgOriginal, boardSizeTopChessBoard, pointBufTopChessBoard, 0);

if (topChessBoardCornersFound)
    cout << "Corners found in top chess baord" << endl;
    cout << "Corners not found in top chess baord" << endl;

image description

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