Detect color change and then click

asked 2019-11-02 06:37:30 -0600

Hi, i would like to create a program that can detect a color change in a region of interest and then click where that happened, and i'm not too sure about where to start with this project. The picture below is the two different colors i would like to keep track of. The program would need to record my screen because the colors change every once in a while.

image description

Your help is very much appreciated.

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Is the color changed triggered by the user? Do you really need to analyze the picture for this?

holger gravatar imageholger ( 2019-11-04 04:54:08 -0600 )edit

...and do you want to trigger an event in your code or you want to emulate a (system-wide) mouse click? The first part is easy, the second is much mode difficult.

kbarni gravatar imagekbarni ( 2019-11-05 09:39:49 -0600 )edit

I would say for me its the other way around - but it depends on what you are trained best.

holger gravatar imageholger ( 2019-11-05 16:28:27 -0600 )edit