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Bag of words insufficient memory

asked 2013-10-01 10:54:40 -0600

updated 2013-10-01 11:04:43 -0600

berak gravatar image

HI All,

I am using BOW on a high resolution human action recognition data set. I have tried several solutions online such as releasing the images as soon as they are processed, downsampling the images, converting images in 8 bit. As far as I understand the program works till calculating the descriptors on all video frames. However, it causes a problem at BOW clustering after reading few action classes.

I also tried to create one dictionary per class to simplify the problem. However, still the same problem. I would really appreciate some guidance.

Here is the code:

int do_something() { Mat frame(Size(1280,720),CV_8UC3); Mat frameDown(Size(640,360),CV_8UC3); Mat Grayframe(Size(640,360),CV_8UC1);

// vector of keypoints
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;

VideoCapture capture(buffer);
// check if video successfully opened
if (!capture.isOpened())
return 1;

    // for all frames in video
    for (;;) 
        // read next frame if any
        if (!

        // convert to half, i.e., 640 * 360, downsamplying
        pyrDown(frame,frameDown, Size( frame.cols/2, frame.rows/2 ));

            // Convert images to Gray Scale
        if (frameDown.channels()==3)

        // feature point detection

         extractor->compute(Grayframe, keypoints, descriptor);

                     // add features to BOW trainer

        // Delay to display the video frames
        //waitKey(10);  // Add this display to avoid blank screen

    } // End of For loop

    // Releasing memory


} // End of Do_Something

vocabulary = bowtrainer.cluster();

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1 answer

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answered 2013-10-14 09:54:52 -0600

I have exactly the same problem. When I do bowtrainer.cluster() I get the runtime error on insufficient memory. It somehow deals with cv::Mat implementation because I get the error before cluster() if I collect all the descriptors in one Mat passing them via add() command.

I can collect and process no more than 500 000 descriptors (the process uses about 300 MB), If I collect more program fails:(

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Asked: 2013-10-01 10:54:40 -0600

Seen: 404 times

Last updated: Oct 14 '13