Extract tags inside the green boundary

asked 2019-02-11 07:38:10 -0600

Hi everyone, I have an Autocad drawing image which has a lot of green scribbly line boundary as shown below. I need to identify these boundaries and extract the text or tags inside the boundaries. Am pretty new to OpenCV but I believe I can do it with OpenCV. Please help me wizards to do it. Thank you all in advance.

With Regards, image description

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no, sorry, it only works the other way here: you do your proper reseach, you try something using opencv, THEN we can help you improve it.

please take a look at the faq and try to improve your question.

what have you tried on your own, so far ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-02-11 07:59:06 -0600 )edit