High cpu usage in OpenCV java

asked 2018-04-25 03:52:18 -0600

SuExeC gravatar image

OpenCV v3.10

I have written a multithreaded application that fetches rtsp streams from several cameras. Quality of cameras varies from 640x480 cameras to 4k hd cameras.

I am struggling with very high cpu usage. Opening 4 cameras simultaneously has my CPU loaded at 40-50-60% (depending on test bench), which is way too high. Especially the 4k cameras introduce a massive CPU increase. The increased CPU is caused by the following code alone, before I do any parsing and/or drawing of the fetched mats.

Here is code for fetching from the streams:

Thread grabber = new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                int error_count = 0;
                while(keep_running) {
                    while(camera.grab()) {
                        error_count = 0; // Reset error count - we're OK
                            break; // Someone stopped the camera!
                        // Spawn a new thread that can retrieve the frame!
                        Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
                            mutex = true;
                            Mat tmp = new Mat();
                            if(camera.retrieve(tmp)) {
                            if(write_video) {
                            mutex = false;
                    if(error_count > 50) {
                        System.out.println("Error count too high on camera " + name + "("+ip+")");
                        keep_running = false;

Is there any way I can reduce the cpu usage dramatically?

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decoding 4k streams costs cpu time. figure out how to decode with hardware support. what's available depends on your hardware and operating system.

crackwitz gravatar imagecrackwitz ( 2018-04-25 14:25:27 -0600 )edit

Any hinters on where I could start looking for solutions on how to do this with hardware?

SuExeC gravatar imageSuExeC ( 2018-04-26 01:59:46 -0600 )edit