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Is the 'getDefaultPeopleDetector' SVM in opencv only able to detect standing people?

asked 2018-03-15 07:34:02 -0600

yubak gravatar image

I am doing various experiments to detect people using opencv. However, there is a problem in the experiment. In the setSVMDetector function, HOGDescriptor :: getDefaultPeopleDetector () argument is used to detect the person, but the person sitting and lying is not detected. I am wondering if HOGDescriptor :: getDefaultPeopleDetector () SVM is recognizable only to the standing person. Is it possible to recognize only standing people?

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answered 2018-03-15 07:40:32 -0600

berak gravatar image

updated 2018-03-15 07:48:03 -0600

yes, it is so. (basically it was trained on the inria dataset, which only has upright people, also mostly front & back, not many profile samples)

you can also try the upperbody haar cascade(for sitting), or the dpm module from opencv_contrib

trying to find persons lying on the ground is extra hard ! (even if you try to rotate the image 90°) there's not much left of usual human features, shadows, etc.

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In the case of Inria person dateset, are all the people in the study photos all standing up?

yubak gravatar imageyubak ( 2018-03-15 08:09:24 -0600 )edit

yes. (ppl walking in some shopping mall)

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2018-03-15 08:11:14 -0600 )edit

btw,, it's awesome !

(does not really "detect people" though)

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2018-03-15 08:12:49 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2018-03-15 07:34:02 -0600

Seen: 286 times

Last updated: Mar 15 '18