Ptr_StereoMatcher in java wrappers for android

asked 2018-01-13 10:29:44 -0600

hfnvbh gravatar image

updated 2018-01-13 12:13:57 -0600


I builded opencv 3.4.0 with opencv_contribs for android and succesfully added opencv to project and run it. But in module ximgproc I don't see functions for disparity map filtering (createRightMatcher, createDisparityWLSFilter etc.) In sdk\java\src\org\opencv\ximgproc lines with this functions declarations are commented out with next phrase: "// Unknown type 'Ptr_StereoMatcher' (I), skipping the function". Why Ptr_StereoMatcher is unknown? Did I miss something when building? Or is it really unsupported functions for java?

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