libraries list / locator ?

asked 2016-12-02 11:25:30 -0600

Vaclav gravatar image

For whatever reason none of the OpenCV sample codes identifies libraries to link to. This seems to be a common beginner, like me , issue leading to "undefined symbols" and frustrating search for library to link to.

For example - what is a recommended way to find the library for VideoCapture?

PS I am using GCC in Eclipse and the linked libraries seems to be of "static" type. Not really sure how to tell the linker to use dynamic library, or if it is even an option. Seems that with CPU's access to GBs of memories using DLL or painstakingly options static libraries is rather anachronistic. Just saying.


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your os is ?

(problem on win is - before you can build any program using opencv, you will have to build opencv libs locally (can't use any prebuild libs, they're for anoother compiler(cl.exe)))

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2016-12-03 04:08:20 -0600 )edit