Test pictures for Stereo Match

asked 2016-11-06 20:37:06 -0600

Hello Everyone, I 've been working on Stereo match months ago. I read about Stefano Mattoccia's Stereo Vision slides and Learning OpenCV and download some test codes.

I find out lots of the stereo match algorithms are using Middleburry's datasets (http://vision.middlebury.edu/stereo/d...)

And I know to run a stereo match you need several parameters Like instrinc matrix, distCoeffs( k1 k2 p1 p2 k3), and rotaion matrix R and Translation vector T. But the datasets I download from middlebury only provides thos parameterss: For example cam0=[4518.732 0 845.968; 0 4518.732 955.06; 0 0 1] cam1=[4518.732 0 1364.949; 0 4518.732 955.06; 0 0 1] doffs=518.981 baseline=258.3 width=2860 height=1968 ndisp=290

as you can see the only give one distCoeffs and lack of R&T so how do I use the datasets with the example codes?

I'd be appreciated if you answer my question. Thanks a lot.

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