Missing aruco contrib functionality when building OpenCV 3.1.0

asked 2016-10-12 19:55:11 -0600

I'm building OpenCV with contrib, both checked out to 3.1.0, and I'm ensuring the aruco module is built with -DBUILD_opencv_aruco=ON.

After building and installing, the aruco module seems to be missing all functionality except a bunch of defines.

In [3]: dir(cv2.aruco)

How can I force the build to include the rest of the aruco functionality?

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It looks like this might be expected functionality for the 3.1.0 tag. Checking both out to master fixed this for me locally.

machinaut gravatar imagemachinaut ( 2016-10-12 21:01:07 -0600 )edit

Python wrappers for aruco module were added later in dev version (post 3.1.0).

Amro_ gravatar imageAmro_ ( 2016-10-25 08:56:41 -0600 )edit