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The problem with your program is that: you compiled the solution (project) in Debug mode but your .dll file (of OpenCV) was built in Release mode. I have tested your code and encountered the same error when run the program built in Debug mode with .dll files built in Release mode. Hence, to solve the problem, just switch to Release mode and rebuild your solution. And remember this statement:

imshow("Panorama image", panoramaImage);

before the waitKey(0); line.

The problem with your program is that: you compiled the solution (project) in Debug mode mode but your .dll file (of OpenCV) was built in Release mode. mode. I have tested your code and encountered the same error when run the program built in Debug mode with .dll files built in Release mode. Hence, to solve the problem, just switch to Release mode mode and rebuild your solution. And remember this statement:

imshow("Panorama image", panoramaImage);

before the waitKey(0); line.