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initial version

since createTrackbar() wants the address of a static function, you need some redirection, pass the 'this' pointer as arg, and later resolve it to your class instance, so you can call a class-member function:

class Capture
    String name;
    VideoCapture cap;
    int trackValue;

    static void onChange(int v, void *ptr)
        // resolve 'this':
        Capture *that = (Capture*)ptr;

    void realTrack(int v)
        // do something with class members or v;
    Capture(const String &name, int id)
        : name(name)
        , cap(id)
        , trackValue(19)
        createTrackbar("track1",name,&trackValue,100,onChange,this); // add 'this' as arg here.

    bool nextFrame()
        Mat frame;
        if ( ! )
            return false;
        // do something with frame
        putText(frame,format("%d",trackValue),Point(90,90),FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN,2,Scalar(0,200,0), 2);
        imshow(name, frame);
        if ( waitKey(10)==27 )
            return false;
        return true;

int main()
    Capture cap("cap1",0);
    while( 1 )
        if (! cap.nextFrame())
    return 0;

since createTrackbar() wants the address of a static function, you need some redirection, pass the 'this' pointer as arg, and later resolve it to your class instance, so you can call a class-member function:

class Capture
    String name;
    VideoCapture cap;
    int trackValue;

    static void onChange(int v, void *ptr)
        // resolve 'this':
        Capture *that = (Capture*)ptr;

    void realTrack(int v)
        // do something with class members or v;
    Capture(const String &name, int id)
        : name(name)
        , cap(id)
        , trackValue(19)
        createTrackbar("track1",name,&trackValue,100,onChange,this); // add 'this' as arg here.

    bool nextFrame()
        Mat frame;
        if ( ! )
            return false;
        // do something with frame
        putText(frame,format("%d",trackValue),Point(90,90),FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN,2,Scalar(0,200,0), 2);
        imshow(name, frame);
        if ( waitKey(10)==27 )
            return false;
        return true;

int main()
    Capture cap("cap1",0);
    while( 1 )
        if (! cap.nextFrame())
    return 0;