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Hi! having two video input devices doesn't mean automatically that their IDs are 0 and 1, did you try to access the second camera alone with the ID 1 ? I have to cameras and here what I've tried and it worked :

int main (){

cv::VideoCapture cap(0), cap2(2);
int key = 0;
cv::Mat frame,frame1;

while(key != 27){
    cap2 >> frame1;
    cap >> frame;
    cv::imshow("1", frame1);
    key = cv::waitKey(10);

return 0;

Hi! having two video input devices doesn't mean automatically that their IDs are 0 and 1, did you try to access the second camera alone with the ID 1 ? I have to two cameras and here what I've tried and it worked :

int main (){

cv::VideoCapture cap(0), cap2(2);
int key = 0;
cv::Mat frame,frame1;

while(key != 27){
    cap2 >> frame1;
    cap >> frame;
    cv::imshow("1", frame1);
    key = cv::waitKey(10);

return 0;