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@Daniil Osokin: here you go


Note: when creating a fork to the github repository, you fork it as it is on that moment. However, when adding pull requests, on a later moment, you might want to add changes to merged stuff. Then you notice all of a sudden your fork doesn't contain the updates. This guide show you how to make sure you have the latest version on your fork before starting a new bugfix.

STEP 1 : create a upstream remote (the actual opencv repository) on your local machine

  • Go to your openCV folder that is linked with your TortoiseGIT/GIT client.
  • Open the GIT bash client (which is way less complicated than the TortoiseGIT interface for this.

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  • If your GIT doesn't start up on the master branch, make sure to type in the command

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  • Create the upstream connection to be able to retrieve all changes

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STEP 2 : retrieve the latest changes locally

  • Retrieving the changes of the remote master to your local master branch is easy by the following command

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  • Identical for the 2.4 branch of the remote to your local 2.4 branch. Do not forget to first checkout to the 2.4 branch, else this will screw up your master :)

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STEP 3 : push the changes to your GitHub fork

  • Close down the git bash client. Updating is identical to pushing changes of a bugfix.
  • Right click on the folder and select push from TortoiseGIT interface.

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  • Make sure to select the push all branches. Press OK.

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  • Output will tell you that update of master and 2.4 branch was successful.

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