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Problem compiling with WITH_XIMEA

asked 2015-12-14 05:20:40 -0600

ruilvo gravatar image

I'm having trouble compiling openCV from source. I want to compile it with XIMEA support ON and for python 3. I've used both VS 2015 and mingw (windows 7 x64 and windows 8.1 x62) but I can't compile openCV. I always gave the errors like "xiTypeEnum was not declared on this scope" (and some other "not declared on this scope" erros, ways related to xi** types. I tried both with latest stable and latest beta ximea api. Downloaded the openCV source from github

EDIT: Now mingw gives the following error: C:/XIMEA/API/x64/xiapi64.lib: error adding symbols: File in wrong format

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answered 2016-02-18 03:42:16 -0600

Dear Ruilvo,

Can you please submit this issue to our (XIMEA) support team here: From what I know, our RnD has tested this part very recently and it should work.

Regards, Your XIMEA team

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Asked: 2015-12-14 05:19:20 -0600

Seen: 286 times

Last updated: Dec 14 '15