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OPEN CV in a pure c compiler

asked 2015-03-03 03:13:55 -0600

Actually I am performing a video processing task and i have been successful in it to my requirement on my ubuntu sytem but now i need to implement same program on another compiler which is a pure c complier . Can anyone tell me how i can use opencv libraries there because many a functions and data types use c++ features like class or scope resolution operator (::) , using namespace etc. also its not possible to to replace them with alternatives everywhere .!!

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answered 2015-03-25 20:03:34 -0600

skipi4 gravatar image

it is possible to compile using only C, but you will run into problems when you start using functions that weren't available in OpenCV v.1 due to not being able to compile some of the libraries in C. If you look at the online reference manual it gives the code for both C and C++, conversion between the two can be tricky but it is possible. Also if you look at the header files for some there is a just a .hpp version but some have a _c.h version which you need to include instead.

If you're struggling to convert the code then upload it and I can provide some help

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Asked: 2015-03-03 03:13:55 -0600

Seen: 1,118 times

Last updated: Mar 25 '15